[Korean Cosmetic Surgery] - Mind Plastic Surgery - BOTOX vs SKIN BOTOX

Botox procedure is a toxin called ritulium that works to
temporarily paralyze the muscle for a certain period of time
by blocking the movement of neurotransmitters.
Mind plastic surgery's botox is for safe genuine
product and right quantity approved by FDA.
It can produce natural and best result by injecting botox into the correct spot
based on our specialists' knowhow and rich clinical experience.

* It is important to use genuine product along with its amount
* If correctly applied, botox will bring wrinkle improvement and muscle reduction.
*  It requires very short procedure time and immediate daily activity
* As it's a simple injection, there is no need to worry about pain or swelling

Botox is for those who have fierce looking
impression due to cheekbone protrusion.
Botox is for those who have asymmetric facial features.
Botox is for those who have asymmetric and
protruded side cheekbone viewed from the front. 

Mind Plastic Surgery's botox treated area is; forehead, glabella,
crow's feet, nose bridge, lips, square jaw, trapezius muscle and etc.

Ever heard of skin botox? It is quite different from normal botox injection.
Skin botox is a procedure that injects directly into the muscle to relax the muscle
and stretch the wrinkle to correct face contour.
Mind's skin botox works on various areas of the skin layer with less paralysis of muscle.
It yet brings natural result such as skin elasticity and fine wrinkle improvement.

It is possible to perform a satisfactory procedure based on the specialists'
rich experience, knowhow and their skills.
We minimize side effect by using genuine product, right amount
and safe product approved by clinical test.

Our philosophy is to provide a service to share beautiful mind together. For upright mind, truthful treatment, satisfactory result, MIND will be always nearby :)
●Online consultation: MIND Plastic Surgery English
●Tel: +8210-8964-8074 (kakao talk, whatsapp)
●Website: en.mindprs.com
●Email: mindprs.eng@gmail.com


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